Clear Tube Planter Tall Vase DIY Kit Aqurarium Terrarium 36X4"TubeX8" Base 15139-36+18822-1/8-8"
【8X8X36" Planter Aquarrium Terrarium】This unique and stylish design is a charming device. Use as planter to grow beans, morning glory, lily… Use a stick so plants can crawl. Or seal well for aquarrium to raise small fish.
【DIY Kit】This kit comes with a 4" diameter X 36" long tube of 2mm wall thickness, a 8" diameter disc act as a base. Buyer to supply adhesive to assemble. Use adhesive on inside and outside of tube to ensure adequate seal.
【Long Tall Vase】This container is also great to display floral arrangements as a center piece either on the floor or on a display table.
【Other Length Tubes】We also carry 12", 24" tubes. Follow these links:,。
【Drainage for Planter Applications】If drainage is desired, a hole is easily drilled at bottome plate. Use a suitable size container to catch drainage water. You can also water in small amount of drips frequently to avoid draining at bottom.